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Citrix ADC 12.x Essentials and Traffic Management (CNS-220)

Pořadatel:  Arrow ECS, a.s.
Od:  5.9.2020 09:00
Do:  9.9.2020 17:00
Stav:  Akce již skončila.
Místo:  U Nákladového nádraží 10
Město:  Praha 3, 130 00

Tento kurz je vedený zahraničním lektorem v anglickém jazyce.

Build your Citrix ADC knowledge and skills by enrolling in this five-day course. It covers Citrix ADC essentials-- platforms, architecture, licensing and functionality – and also focuses on traffic management, including content switching, traffic optimization and global server load balancing (GSLB). You will learn about key ADC capabilities such as high availability, security and performance, and explore SSL offload, load balancing and monitoring. The traffic management curriculum will cover AppExpert policy engines, the Rewrite and Responder features, content switching, and Security Insight. The course is designed for IT professionals with little or no Citrix ADC experience.

Course has two parts:
Part 1: (CNS-218) Citrix ADC 12.x Essentials - first 3 days
Part 2: (CNS-219) Citrix ADC 12.x Traffic Management - last 2 days

WWW stránka:  https://edu.arrow.com/cz/train...
58 000 Kč bez DPH
Dostupnost akce:  Pro veřejnost
Typ:  Školení
Kategorie:  Koncový uživatel
Kontaktní osoba:
Dominika Brůnová
e-mail: training.ecs.cz@arrow.com
Mediální partner:  

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