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2020 Ericsson Microwave Outlook

Pořadatel:  Ericsson
Od:  22.10.2020 09:00
Do:  22.10.2020 10:00
Stav:  Akce již skončila.
Místo:  Online
Město:  Online
Obrázek akceOur 2020 Microwave Outlook report is out and we hope you have enjoyed your reading! Now let's keep our conversation going - we're delighted to invite you for an unmissable one-hour webinar where our experts will share insights and trends up until 2025 in the microwave industry. Join our experts on great conversation on how transport demands are increasing as as a consequence of 5G rollouts, how to deal with scattered spectrum and new ways of planning with differentiated availability and multi-band booster.

WWW stránka:  https://foryou.ericsson.com/mi...
Kapacita:  Praha 5
0 Kč
Dostupnost akce:  Pro veřejnost
Typ:  Konference
Kategorie:  IT profesionál
Kontaktní osoba:
Kateřina Čejková
e-mail: katerina.cejkova@pram.cz
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