
Operators strategies in the new normal

Od:  2.7.2020 15:00
Do:  2.7.2020 16:00
Stav:  Akce již skončila.
Místo:  Online
Město:  Online
Popis:  The pandemic has caused telecommunication companies to see a surge in data traffic. Operators are looking into ways of giving their customers the much needed network reliability but also looking at how this scenario can open the doors to positive changes in their strategies and also how telecom services and technology can be used for the good, as a means to track, trace and control the spread of the virus.
Pořadatel:  Ericsson
WWW stránka:  https://events.foryou.ericsson.com/ericssonunboxedofficesocialseriesoperatorsstrategies
Vstupné/konferenční poplatek:  0 Kč
Dostupnost akce:  Pro veřejnost
Typ:  Webinář
Kategorie:  IT profesionál
Kontaktní jméno:  Kateřina Čejková
Kontaktní e-mail:  katerina.cejkova@pram.cz
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